
Europen Learning Partnership
European Women - Images of interaction

Bi-national meeting in Ulm
8th November – 12th November 2004


Project group “European Women” of the Frauenakademie Ulm (Women’s Academy, Ulm)

2 teachers/instructors and 8 participants of the daghojskolen “De Frie Fugle” (day high school
“The Free Bird”), Esbjerg, Denmark

theatre workshop “Clowns and More”, run by Traute Surborg
guided tour of Ulm with a focus on women’s history
excursion to Tübingen
workshop “Blau” (“Blue”), run by Heidi Hofmeister
trip to Blaubeuren: “Blautopf”, old town/cloister
legend of “Die Schöne Lau” (“The Story of Lau”, by Eduard Möricke)
introduction to the theme “The Colour Blue”, mutual painting

studio party

A thank-you mail from Esbjerg, 15th November 2004:

Today we are back in school and we have seen the film about Ulm and enjoyed it as well as we enjoyed the week there. I find that you have planned everything very well for us and that there were people around us all the time to help us. And we found your group very welcoming, so it was a fine trip we had. Randi and Birte